Deprecated: Constant E_STRICT is deprecated in /home/grzegorzbn/ on line 47
====== SGJ Controls ======
Visual Controls for Delphi and Lazarus
===== TSGJButton =====
Button with color styling and images display.
On Lazarus it uses bgrabitmap.
On Delphi it uses Direct2D on supported Delphi and Windows version and Canvas on older versions.
* Caption - string, button text
* Description - string, second line text (only if ShowDescription set to true)
* ColorNormal - TColor, button color
* ColorHover - TColor, color when mouse move
* Images - TImagelist
* ImageIndex - image index from imagelist
* ShowDescription - boolean, if true then show second line with description
* FontDescription - font for description
* ShowBorder - if true then show border
* BorderColor - TColor, border color
* RoundedCorners - boolean, enable rounded corners
* TitleOnCenter - Move title to center(only with ShowDescription=false and no images)
===== TSGJToogleButton =====
Toogle button, modern checkbox replacement.
Default compile configuration
{$IFDEF FPC} //Lazarus / FPC
{$DEFINE SGJCTRL_W_BGRA} //BGRABitmap draw only
//{$DEFINE SGJCTRL_W_Canvas} //Canvas draw only
//{$DEFINE SGJCTRL_W_GDIPlUS} //GDI PLUS draw only(and only on Windows)
{$ELSE} //Delphi:
//{$DEFINE SGJCTRL_W_Canvas} //Canvas draw only
{$IF CompilerVersion >= 21}
On Delphi Direct2D is switched to Canvas if not supported. If enable Direct2D with GDI+, then switched D2D to GDI+ when not supported.
ButtonColor :TColor
ButtonCheckedColor :TColor
ButtonUnCheckedColor :TColor
Caption :String
TextBeforeButton :Boolean
Checked :Boolean
===== TSGJLinkLabel =====
Label component with URL property. URL adress is executed with default system application when click. No additional code needed.
===== TSGJPanel =====
Panel component with customized border.
* Caption - string, if set, then panel display Header like groupbox.
* BorderColor - TColor, border color
* ShowBorder - boolean, if true then show border
===== Demo preview =====
{{ :en:projects:sgjcontrols.jpg?400 |}}